Separate names with a comma.
Bryan submitted a new resource: Operators - How to add and remove operators An operator is a player able to use administrative commands on a...
An operator is a player able to use administrative commands on a Minecraft server. Due to the power of the commands an operator can use, you...
Multicraft can make regular backups of your entire world save. If anything disastrous happens to your world, such as unrepairable chunk errors,...
Bryan submitted a new resource: Making world backups with Multicraft - How to make world backups with Multicraft Multicraft can make regular...
There is no set limit to the number of plugins you can install on your server. However, due to the variety of plugins and their different...
Bryan submitted a new resource: How many plugins can I use? - ow many plugins can I use? There is no set limit to the number of plugins you can...
All the settings that can be configured for a Minecraft server can be found in the file. Multicraft has an easy...
Bryan submitted a new resource: Configuring - Configuring basic server options with All the settings that...
Bryan submitted a new resource: Configuring plugins to use MySQL - How to configure a plugin to use MySQL Introduction Plugins that use a lot of...
Introduction Plugins that use a lot of data can use a MySQL database to store their data. Each HostHorde server comes with a MySQL database, and...
If you are running these commands from the console, do not include the forward slash. You can ban players by their username using the command...
Bryan submitted a new resource: Banning players - How to ban and unban players If you are running these commands from the console, do not...
Bryan submitted a new resource: Adding a server icon - How to add a server icon Make an icon/ image that is 64x64 pixels. Save it as...
Make an icon/ image that is 64x64 pixels. Save it as server-icon.png. Upload it to the root directory of your server using FTP. Restart the server.
Bryan submitted a new resource: Accessing and using the console - How to access the your server's console Minecraft servers are console or...
Minecraft servers are console or text-based applications. This means they don't present a visual interface for you to use, instead they have a...
Bryan submitted a new resource: My account or server has been compromised/ hacked - Information on what to do if your account or server is...
Start by finding what has been compromised. You have two different accounts for your HostHorde services – one for the client area and another for...
Bryan submitted a new resource: Installing ATLauncher modpacks (Yogscast Complete, Resonant Rise, The MadPack, etc) - How to install ATLauncher...
Prepare your server 1. In the Multicraft control panel, stop your server if you're running one and back up its world and important files if you...