Mineversity | No Griefing | 24/7 | Nice staff | No lag |

Discussion in 'Server Showcase' started by nemssi, Jul 7, 2014.

  1. nemssi

    nemssi New Member

    Jul 7, 2014
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    Hello, I'd like to announce that our server (Mineversity) has finally been released and we're proud to advertise our server on the official Hosthorde forums. Just like any other server, there are and will be consequences if you break our rules.
    IP: Mineversity.hosthorde.net
    - DO not grief.
    - Keep swearing to a minimum.
    - Do not ask for staff
    - Use common sence
    - Do not hack, or exploit
    - Don't harass
    - Don't be a **** key rule.
    - Do not be racist
    - Do not be sexist
    - Respect staff
    - Respect members
    - Act your own age, don't act foolish and care free.

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