Prepare your server
1. In the Multicraft control panel, stop your server if you're running one and back up its world and important files if you wish to keep them.
Prepare Feed The Beast
2. Download the latest version of the Feed The Beast server files.
Using the legacy client: Select the pack you wish to install, and click the "Download Server" button.
From the Feed The Beast website: Navigate to the pack you wish to install, then download the server pack files.
3. Extract the Feed The Beast Server files into a temporary location on your computer.
4. Delete, StartServer.bat and any other similar .sh and .bat files as these files are not needed when hosting FTB on HostHorde.
Upload Feed The Beast to your server
5. If you're installing a 1.5.2 pack or earlier:
Upload the all the sub folders (mods, coremods and config) to the root of your server using FTP.
You may also need to download library files if they are not included in the pack, which can be found here for 1.5.2.
5. If you're installing a 1.6.4 pack:
Upload the all the sub folders (mods and config - possibly others depending on your pack) to the root of your server using FTP. Upload the libraries folder into the /jar folder on your server.
If you are unfamiliar with FTP, please see our guide on using FTP here.
6. Upload the server JAR (e.g. ftbserver.jar, mindcrack.jar, direwolf20.jar, etc) into the /jar folder of your server. For better compatibility with Multicraft, you should rename this jar to custom_server.jar.
Configure Multicraft for Feed The Beast
7. In the Multicraft control panel, set the JAR file to the same filename as the JAR you previously uploaded including the file extension. Set the JAR dropdown to "default".
8. Start your Feed The Beast server.

Installing Feed The Beast modpacks (1.5.2 & 1.6.4)
How to install Feed The Beast modpacks (1.5.2 & 1.6.4)