All the settings that can be configured for a Minecraft server can be found in the file.
Multicraft has an easy editor that you can use to change settings in your file. To access the editor, navigate to your Multicraft control panel, then from the left menu select Files → Config Files → Server Settings.
For a detailed list of properties, their purpose and their possible values please consult the official Minecraft wiki’s article on
Some properties such as the server port and player limit cannot be changed, and will revert back if you edited. Please also note that some properties when incorrectly configured can prevent your server from starting.
Commonly used properties
This setting is 0 (Survival) by default.
In Multicraft, this can only be set to Survival or Creative. If you edit the file directly, more options are available:
Please note that changing the default gamemode changes the gamemode for new players only. If players have previously joined the server, they will not be put in the changed gamemode. To switch their gamemode, you can use the /gamemode command as an operator or in the console.
- 0 - Survival
- 1 - Creative
- 2 - Adventure
- 3 - Spectator (Minecraft 1.8 or later only)
Player vs Player (pvp)
This setting is enabled by default.
- Enabled/ True: Enable PvP on the server. Players can attack and damage each other.
- Disabled/ False: Disabled PvP on the server. Players cannot attack and damage each other.
Whitelisting (white-list)
This setting is disabled by default.
With a whitelist enabled, only users on the whitelist will be able to connect. Designed for use with private servers, or those with an application process to join.
- Enabled/ True: Enables a whitelist on a server. Only users on white-list.txt can join the server
- Disabled/ False: No whitelist is used.
Please see our article on Whitelisting for more information.
View Distance (view-distance)
This setting is set to 10 by default.
Sets the number of chunks that are sent to the game client, measured in chunks surrounding the player (by radius).
The "Far" viewing distance displays 16 chunks, "Normal" displays 8, "Short" displays 4 and "Tiny" displays 2. We recommend you leave this value at 10, and lower it if you experience significant lag. This setting can only be set to a valid between 3 and 15. If you set it to a value outside this range, your server will not start.
Server Message (motd)
This setting is set to "A Minecraft Server" by default.
Sets the message displayed in the multiplayer server list. You can use colour and formatting codes. Please note that this has a maximum length of 59 characters.
This setting is set to DEFAULT by default.
Sets the terrain generated by the server. There are currently four types of map you can select:
- DEFAULT – standard terrain
- LARGEBIOMES – same as default, but with significantly larger biomes
- FLAT – a totally flat world with no features.
This setting is set to FALSE by default.
Sets if Command Blocks are enabled or not. Even when enabled, only operators can break, place or edit them.
This setting is empty by default.
This sets if the server prompts players to download and switch to a custom resource pack when they join the server. We recommend using a file host like Dropbox to host this file - it's not possible to host this file on your HostHorde server, and anywhere you host it must provide a direct link to the actual resource pack .zip file.

Configuring basic server options with