Hello. My servers is about Harry Potter, for this, have a lot of plugins. With the 25$ host, i have lag spikes. I want pay more for a best service (for example, for dedicate two processor to my server) Is possible?
We do not offer paid upgrades, as clients can already utilize 2x CPU cores. Minecraft does all event processing through a central thread, so additional unused cores wouldn't be beneficial for server performance.
A view distance of <= 6, under 3000 entities, etc. Basically, the stuff listed in the lag troubleshooting guide. You can use the timings report to determine what's causing "lag spikes" on your server.
I don't tend to get lag spikes, but world edit is my arch nemesis. I would love to have a way to increase my 'power' to allow me to make edits larger than 30k blocks without kicking everybody off the server. I would gladly pay more if it allowed me to build care free. Nothing worse than not being able to work because I don't want to kick everyone off with each edit.
That's because WorldEdit locks up the main server thread. Check this out: http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/asyncworldedit.327/
Spigot is just an optimized version of Craftbukkit: http://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/about-spigot/ In most cases, you should be able to swap out Craftbukkit with Spigot, and not have to make any other changes to your server/plugins.