Server out of date?

Discussion in 'Community Support' started by Queen_of_the, Dec 8, 2014.

  1. Queen_of_the

    Queen_of_the New Member

    Dec 8, 2014
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    Completely new to this server hosting business, if that's even what I'm doing here, but I think I followed the directions fairly well...even got myself a subdomain name ;) but when I try to log into my server I have a red X(on the pingy part) and it says: Server out of date. Does anyone know how I can fix this or what I've done wrong? I just downloaded the server tonight, also. Trying to get a server with Horizons on it...
    #1 Queen_of_the, Dec 8, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2014
  2. Queen_of_the

    Queen_of_the New Member

    Dec 8, 2014
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    Now it says, "No connection"...?
    And now again it's back to, "Server out of date."
    #2 Queen_of_the, Dec 8, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2014
  3. TheMadCat

    TheMadCat New Member

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Download a server version of the Horizons mod pack. There different between server and client. After downloading server may want to run it locally for first time so can download add files if it needs it. Also note that may need edit file call "eula.txt" if exist and set it to TRUE.

    Get the server working local first, then upload files to hosthorde. Because its custom server following the steps here

    When it say "Server out of date" it because the server it-self running different minecraft version then your client, or there mod version different.
  4. Queen_of_the

    Queen_of_the New Member

    Dec 8, 2014
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    I had the server version downloaded but had not run it from my own computer so I did that and a few extra files popped up so now I am adding them to my server jar file, but I did not see the eula file to edit. And the server won't work locally, though I'm not sure what that even means, because it keeps saying Warning: something about time change and server overload or something...?
  5. Queen_of_the

    Queen_of_the New Member

    Dec 8, 2014
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    Anyone else have any ideas?
  6. Captain_Sisko

    Captain_Sisko New Member

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Try using another version of minecraft to connect (I don't use mods much so sorry if this is stupid awnser)
  7. Queen_of_the

    Queen_of_the New Member

    Dec 8, 2014
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    Thanks Captain_Sisko, but I gave up a long time ago! :) "Support" informed me they don't actually support any modded packs beyond the few listed on the server control panel so I'm just running a lame vanilla world until my time runs up. I found another server with AMAZING!!! customer service so I went with them to get my modded world up and running and they will be the only ones getting my money in the future! ;) And they did it for me in less time than it took for my problem ticket to get responded to from this server host so...I would like to say again, AMAZING customer service from my new server(which is not this one)! But, in response to your reply, more specifically, I have my MC profile set to "use recommended version" and I play modded MC all the time, so what happens is when you go to launch the pack it chooses the MC version the pack recommends and plays no problem. But thanks for trying and have fun, but try modded packs sometime, they are soooo much fun!

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