Hi, because I am unsure on how to send direct messages to the developer of this resource I am going to leave my request here. I wanted to change my server to one that uses moonquest (modpack) so I could have my own little community with my friends, I have followed this guide to the dot and similar guides to it on this forum such as installing minecraft forge and uploading custom jars, but when I try to launch the server my CPU usage freezes and so does the memory usage also the icon near to the top left that indicated what state your server is in always looks like two circling blue arrows. I found a way to actually launch the server successfully using craft bucket 1.6.4 but whenever I try to use an item that isn't vanilla I am kicked out of my server with the message "end of stream" my console does not appear to have any warning/ error/ severe messages and it also tells me that the reason I disconnected was because of a generic reason? Please help!
Moonquest is a Forge based modpack, you can't use Bukkit. You must use the server jar that came with the modpack.
I know this I only mentioned the craft bukkit factor because i thought it was significant. I also did upload the server jar and the version of minecraft (1.6.4.jar) that came with it.
Bukkit doesn't have the same dependencies that Forge does which makes it a little easier to get up and going. Use Forge, upload all the mods, configs, etc. Start the server. Tell me what you see in the console.